
Stacy here!  Together, JT and I read a very simple book titled, If.  There is an “if” phrase on one page, and a picture on the other page throughout the book.  Every image gives you pause and sets your right brain into action.  You have to look, then look again.  You see a tree with leaves… no, not leaves, but fish.  Butterflies for clothes.  Whales in outer space.

If whales lived in outer space...

JT loved the pictures.  He wanted to look at each one over and over again.  He cackled and laughed at the mere thought of some of them!  He showed his dad the preposterous pictures and cackled some more!  Some where more his speed than mine.  As a boy would, he liked the worms with wheels and the caterpillar coming out of the toothpaste tube much more than I did.  (Gross!)

I tried to get him to think of some more of his own.  But he either got distracted or couldn’t be bothered to try.  I’d get this book again when he’s older and has developed more drawing and writing skills to see if it would spark some more creativity.  The potential is certainly there.


About brungrrl

First and foremost, I love God and my family. I'm married to John and mom to JT. Professionally, I test software. In my spare time I'm a photographer, yogi, runner, scrapbooker, crafter, and book lover.
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